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The Spectacular 2021s From Montevetine, Including The 98+ Pergole Torte

We are delighted to offer the 2021 from the brilliant Tuscan producer, Montevertine. Highlights from a spectacular vintage for Tuscany, the flagship Pergole Torte and Montevertine are immaculately made reds of the highest quality from a producer firing on all cylinders.


Based in Chianti, Montevertine produces some of the best Super-Tuscans on the market. They have a loyal following and are always in huge demand, but considering that Antonio Galloni called, Two thousand twenty-one is the single greatest young vintage I have ever tasted in Chianti Classico. Period. Full stop. The 2021s are majestic wines.. many wines hit breathtaking peaks of excellence” then these 2021s are going to be worth that special effort to find.


The Pergole Torte is a near-perfect masterpiece in 2021. For Galloni, it is a real stunner. Rich, deep and beautifully layered in the glass” and is worthy of a massive 98+ point score. The Montevertine is also excellent, is a huge, potent wine. Dark, rich and explosive, the 2021 possesses tremendous depth”Galloni gives it an excellent 95+ points.


Details are below. Do take a look and let us know if you would like to secure a case or two.


2021 Montevertine, Le Pergole Torte
£1,200 per case (6*75cl OC) in bond – 8 cases available
98+ points Antonio Galloni
The 2021 Le Pergole Torte is a real stunner. Rich, deep and beautifully layered in the glass, the 2021 is captivating from the very first taste. In bottle, this is quite a bit more reticent than it was as a barrel sample, which, in my view, is a positive. Even so, readers should be prepared to cellar the 2021 for a number of years at a minimum. (2024) Drink 2028-2046
2021 Montevertine, Montevertine
£330 per case (6*75cl OC) in bond – 8 cases available 
£410 per case mags (3*150cl OC) in bond – 1 case available 
95+ points Antonio Galloni
The 2021 Montevertine is a huge, potent wine. Dark, rich and explosive, the 2021 possesses tremendous depth, maybe too much. Readers will have to be patient. The inclusion of new vineyards in the Docciole sector have altered Montevertine; it’s now a darker, more virile wine from mostly younger vines, in relative terms. In bottle, I find it a bit stylistically different from the house style. (2024) Drink 2028-2041


Offered subject to final confirmation. Available in the UK in late 2024 / early 2025.  Offer expires 2nd August.

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